Karin Bishop Books

Karin Bishop






Melanie Stan­wood is a bril­liant girl, near­ly a genius. She can take iso­lat­ed facts and bits of data and make con­nec­tions. But she can’t seem to make a con­nec­tion with her moth­er, because Melanie was born as a boy named Michael. Her moth­er can’t quite grasp what it means to have a trans­gen­der child, and they live in an awk­ward, uneasy truce.

Things can’t con­tin­ue that way, so Melanie is sent to live with her mother’s only friend Mar­i­lyn, a glam­orous divor­cée and wid­ow who turns out to be a bit of a genius her­self at mak­ing con­nec­tions. Togeth­er with her daugh­ter Car­ol, Mar­i­lyn con­nects Melanie to the world of girls, a world that right­ful­ly should have been hers from birth.

Here’s what readers have said about “Connections”

I had fun with this book. I laughed and cried. I had some self real­iza­tions … Char­ac­ters that draw you in and sit­u­a­tions that com­pel you to keep read­ing … Anoth­er tour de force for Karin … I rec­om­mend it with­out hes­i­ta­tion to any­one who likes Bish­op …  All I can say is WOW!