Karin Bishop Books

Karin Bishop





Par­ents con­tains two sep­a­rate sto­ries:

Care and Com­fort tells of an anguished wid­ow­er grap­pling with a parental night­mare when his young son is shot. What he learns about his late wife and his child will for­ev­er change him.

The shock­ing dis­cov­ery that her teenage son is hid­ing a dress is detailed in A Mother’s Jour­nal, as she strug­gles to under­stand the truth about her child, and slow­ly accepts and helps the tran­si­tion to a bet­ter future for both.


Here’s what readers have said about “Parents”

Karin is bril­liant at mak­ing real peo­ple, whom you like, mag­i­cal­ly appear in print … A pair of sto­ries that real­ly bring out the best in par­ent­hood … This book is a joy to read. It is pos­i­tive and life affirm­ing and best of all writ­ten from a parent’s point of view … Please read and thor­ough­ly enjoy this book … I wish there was lit­er­a­ture like Karin’s when I was young!