Karin Bishop Books

Karin Bishop

The “Ports of Crossing” Series


A cruise ship is ply­ing the Mex­i­can Riv­iera … and Bri­an Tay­lor is play­ing piano aboard. For a qui­et, small guy, it’s a dream job. He is a world-class pianist who lives only for his music, and he’s quite com­fort­able in the reg­u­lat­ed and con­fined day-to-day world of a ship. Then a series of cir­cum­stances, includ­ing a crew member’s acci­dent and cor­po­rate skull­dug­gery, force him to mas­quer­ade as a female lounge singer for one night. But fur­ther cir­cum­stances mean Bri­an must con­tin­ue the mas­quer­ade, and learns that it is no deception—and it may tru­ly be a dream job for life.

Con­tin­u­ing the change in her life that began in Port of Depar­ture, Tay­lor Bryan is ready to move for­ward, but has no ship to work on. She is brought into the cruise line’s home office and expe­ri­ences the life that many peo­ple have—commuting, work­ing at a desk, won­der­ing what to make for dinner …

The com­pa­ny sends her out across the globe, meet­ing new chal­lenges and new peo­ple aboard ships, where she is also exposed to dif­fer­ent styles of wom­an­hood, vari­eties of fem­i­nin­i­ty, and what it means to be female in the world.

Still fierce­ly devot­ed to her piano and her music, she will dis­cov­er new friend­ships, for bet­ter or worse, and per­haps a new career, as she learns what it means to be her new self.

Here’s what readers have said about the “Ports of Crossing” series:

This may be the best book that I’ve read that deals with trans­gen­der sub­ject mat­terHan­dling dif­fi­cult top­ics with grace, opti­mism, and bril­liant writ­ing is Kar­in’s meti­er, and this book is no excep­tion … The details of her sub­jects’ lives are care­ful­ly researched and skill­ful­ly revealedYou’ll espe­cial­ly appre­ci­ate the sen­si­tive way in which the hero­ine’s life is por­trayed … Anoth­er fan­tas­tic read from Ms. Bishop!