Karin Bishop Books

Karin Bishop

Sail Away



Amy Coop­er is an attrac­tive, hap­py, and suc­cess­ful com­put­er con­sul­tant who may have land­ed the biggest con­tract of her career. And she may have land­ed the love of her life with a hand­some architect.

She is trans­gen­der and seems to be liv­ing a full life. But then a voice from the past—the past when she was a boy named Paul—threatens her future. And that voice ensnares her with the Russ­ian mafia in a plot that threat­ens her life.


Here’s what readers have said about “Sail Away”

Real­ly great sto­ry … I real­ly enjoyed this sto­ry of a trans­gen­der girl mak­ing her own way in lifeThe char­ac­ters are devel­oped in Kar­in’s inim­itable style and become your friends as you readShe is one of the best authors that I have read!