Karin Bishop Books

Karin Bishop





Char­lie has a problem—he’s try­ing to be like his father Chuck, a sex­ist cheat.

Charlie’s father has a problem—he can’t wait to dump the kid so he can take off with his new honey.

Charlie’s moth­er, Car­ol, has a problem—her hus­band Chuck.

Charlie’s grand­moth­er, Gram, has a problem—Chuck has dumped Char­lie on her farm for the summer.

But there may be solu­tions to all of their prob­lems, in the form of herbal solu­tions made by a friend of Gram’s. Solu­tions that might make Char­lie more agree­able, might take the edge off his rough macho exte­ri­or … and might reveal a fem­i­nine interior …

Here’s what readers have said about “Solutions”

The char­ac­ters of this sto­ry are so real, we laughed and cried along with them … There’s a love­ly touch of mag­ic in this sto­ry … A great sto­ry line and won­der­ful char­ac­ter devel­op­ment … Could not put it down … I’ve re-read this book many times and it still moves me … This is one you do not want to pass up …