Karin Bishop Books

Karin Bishop





What hap­pens after a wish is granted?

It was a night like any other—not a spe­cial night; there was noth­ing unusu­al about it. A 14-year-old boy went to bed—and woke up in some­one else’s body…somewhere else.

Bri­an Kendall lives with his sports-obsessed fam­i­ly. His father owns a chain of sport­ing goods stores and his broth­er is a foot­ball hero. But Bri­an has a secret he’s been keep­ing from them for as long as he can remem­ber. He’s trans­gen­der, and has no idea how to tell his fam­i­ly that he’s not their son and broth­er, but their daugh­ter and sister.

One night he makes a wish. The next morn­ing, he wakes up in a girl’s body. Nev­er mind how it was done. Final­ly, Bri­an feels at home inside a body.

But then what? Sure, he’s final­ly got his heart’s desire, but what hap­pens next? He’s got the body to match his gen­der but noth­ing else. What is this girl’s name? Where does she live? What about her fam­i­ly, her friends, her school?

How do you let on that you’re a brand new per­son with­out get­ting cart­ed off in a straitjacket?

Bri­an has­n’t a clue. What about his old fam­i­ly, friends, school—and what about the girl who was in this body yesterday?

Here’s what readers have said about “Transfer”

 Karin Bish­op has deliv­ered pure gold once again, and this is a sto­ry to be savored … This a great book for first time trans­gen­der fic­tion read­er or for any­one who does­n’t under­stand what it means to be trans­gen­der … I’ve now found a new addi­tion to my favorite authors list