
I write nov­els that focus on trans­gen­der indi­vid­u­als. My books deal com­pas­sion­ate­ly, sen­si­tive­ly, and accu­rate­ly with gen­der iden­ti­ty — how peo­ple deal with their inter­nal gen­der not fit­ting their soci­etal gen­der role. I write about the dis­cov­ery, learn­ing process, and the tran­si­tion to liv­ing fuller lives in their iden­ti­fied gen­der. I do not write erot­i­ca or porn; many of my books deal with teens, and could be con­sid­ered in the YA category.

All books are avail­able exclu­sive­ly as Ama­zon Kin­dle ebooks.


Here’s what read­ers have said:

“This was eas­i­ly among the ten best books I have ever read … A new favorite author is on my list … I can’t stop read­ing this book … She makes you fall in love with the char­ac­ters … An excep­tion­al­ly gift­ed writer … Great sto­ry and look­ing for more from this super writer … Karin always deliv­ers the best of the best … One of the best reads I have come across in a long time … I beg every­one to take the time to read this tru­ly won­der­ful work …”

Featured Book

Girls are just start­ing their new lives—but some­one is end­ing them.Eliz­a­beth Flem­ing is a for­mer Los Ange­les police offi­cer now work­ing as a pri­vate inves­ti­ga­tor. Her cas­es usu­al­ly involve cheat­ing hus­bands or cor­po­rate theft, until she’s hired to find a miss­ing child. Liz is drawn into a search among run­away and ‘throw­n­away’ teens, and dis­cov­ers that some­one is killing trans­gen­der girls. Even her years on the LAPD didn’t pre­pare her for the hor­rors of the girls’ deaths, or the emo­tion­al dev­as­ta­tion for fam­i­lies and friends. Liz teams with the police and the FBI to track down the killer before he can claim more victims.

Warn­ing: This nov­el con­tains descrip­tions of graph­ic abuse and vio­lence that may trig­ger some read­ers. It is NOT a YA novel!