Karin Bishop Books

Karin Bishop

Here are some things I’m working on ...

My books often take a great deal of research (Day in the Sun took over a year to get the details of the 1930s) and then writ­ing, edit­ing, rewrit­ing, and so on. I have two books that I’m send­ing around to inter­est agents; my goal is to be signed and have a main­stream pub­lish­ing deal. How­ev­er, some of my short sto­ries have appeared at Big­Clos­et­Top­Shelf (not respon­si­ble for site con­tent) and read­ers have request­ed full-length Kin­dle ver­sions of the sto­ries. In those cas­es, I edit, revise, and expand the orig­i­nal, some­times sig­nif­i­cant­ly. The plot and char­ac­ters were good, but maybe things could be, um, improved? So here are some requests from readers:


This is one of the most-request­ed ebooks from BCTS read­ers. My YA books usu­al­ly deal with a pro­tag­o­nist who has always known their gen­der iden­ti­ty isn’t con­gru­ent with their body, but in some oth­ers, the pro­tag­o­nist dis­cov­ers their dis­sat­is­fac­tion with their lives is due to under­ly­ing gen­der incongruency.

This is the case with Mark. With a sin­gle word, his world changes. His best friend Tay­lor is con­vinced that he is a girl, and over the course of the next year, first Mark and then his fam­i­ly must come to terms with the fact that he is transgender.


A lon­er becomes involved with his high school’s pro­duc­tion of a Gilbert & Sul­li­van operetta; not as an actor, but the prompter—and even then he’s alone in the booth. Then he’s asked to help plan the wrap par­ty, and he instant­ly feels much more nat­ur­al among the girls than a boy should—but maybe he’s been act­ing all along ...


Boys will be boys ... until they aren’t. It was a youth­ful prank, a dare; a fair­ly inno­cent attempt to find out about a new video game results in three friends being caught tres­pass­ing. They thought the build­ing belonged to a game devel­op­er, but why are there mil­i­tary types—very scary mil­i­tary types?

And then the boys start to change, becom­ing less boy­ish at first and then more girl­ish. They are under­go­ing a meta­mor­pho­sis, but for how far, and for what purpose?