Karin Bishop Books

Karin Bishop

Due to privacy concerns and a recent increase of international hacking, current Comments posting has been disabled. Comments and reviews emailed to me will be added with permission. In time, live posting will be enabled; meanwhile, here are some comments from readers:

I love your work. Your Ama­zon author page has its own but­ton on my Fire­fox book­mark tool­bar. I hope with all my heart that you do man­age to get signed to a pub­lish­ing deal.  I would hap­pi­ly pay full retail hard­back prices for your new books just to sup­port them because I love your writ­ing.  I have read and re-read all of your Kin­dle books but I have read the “Port of . . .” books and also espe­cial­ly “Day in the Sun” count­less times.  They are where I would love to live.  Thank you for the worlds you bring us.

–Dan McGown

I dis­cov­ered your books by acci­dent but once I read the first one I had to have more. I cur­rent­ly have all of your books, but I believe that Port of Depar­ture and Port of Arrival are my favorite. The sto­ry is well writ­ten (as are all of your books) but its also very enter­tain­ing Bri­an Tay­lor is a believ­able char­ac­ter that only lives to play the piano. Cir­cum­stances bring about the trans­for­ma­tion to Tay­lor Bryan the sto­ry goes on about the change but its all believ­able Thanks for writ­ing please con­tin­ue but please make it soon!!!

–Brad Good­win

I tend to read your books when I require a lift in life. We have com­mu­ni­cat­ed pre­vi­ous­ly regard­ing sug­gest­ed books for my daugh­ters and you gra­cious­ly replied with a list of poten­tial books for them. They are now going through their exams and have tem­porar­i­ly stopped read­ing for plea­sure (at least not as much as they used to). They do have a cou­ple of your refer­rals on their Kobo and will be get­ting to them while away on vaca­tion. I will take what­ev­er books from you I can. Your books bring an ele­ment of release to me where­by I can switch off from real­i­ty and enter a whole new world where the sto­ry takes over for how­ev­er long I am read­ing. Not every Author can do this as well as you do. I have cer­tain Authors on a “watch list” and you are on the top of the pile! I look for­ward to each of your new “cre­ations” and long may they keep com­ing. We as the read­ers do not say this often enough to Authors. THANK YOU for what you do.


Your books are amaz­ing! I love your atten­tion to the inner tur­moil that the char­ac­ters are expe­ri­enc­ing. You books have helped me to accept myself and even though I’m not in any of the seem­ing­ly ide­al cir­cum­stances that many of your trans­gen­der char­ac­ters find them­selves in the strug­gle and solu­tions they go through have inspired me in my life. When­ev­er I find myself won­der­ing what to read I find myself turn­ing to your books by default to read again and again. I have all the books you have avail­able on Ama­zon and I want more.

–Ama­ra Black

Although I like all your books and have read them all and re-read most of them I think Day in the Sun is my favourite, I read it quite reg­u­lar­ly. It is an excel­lent sto­ry well told.

–John Graves

Like so many of the com­ments below, I love your books more for the kind­ness with which you treat your char­ac­ters. I have my favorites as I am sure each of your fans do, but I espe­cial­ly like when an author such as you do in Par­ents can bring me to tears.

–K Lee Bell

I thought I would leave a sec­ond mes­sage, one that bet­ter cov­ers why I enjoy read­ing your books. I don’t fit the “mold” of your var­i­ous hero­ines, but I con­tin­u­ous­ly fit your obser­va­tions and analo­gies about GD to be enlight­en­ing and com­fort­ing. With respect to the lat­ter, because of the choice I’ve made there are few cop­ing mech­a­nisms to help me deal; your books are the best one I’ve found (besides my ther­a­pist). So, thank you for your writ­ing and even though I’m walk­ing to some degree the same path as some of hero­ines, I’ll be arriv­ing at a dif­fer­ent des­ti­na­tion. One last point, in Are You Sure (with­in Friends), I found your sto­ry con­struc­tion to be intrigu­ing. It left me won­der­ing why you made that artis­tic choice to “peel the onion”?

–K Lee Bell
I strug­gled with gen­der iden­ti­ty when I was younger, and it look a long time to real­ize what I was.  I stayed with my birth gen­der of male, but I always have felt a strong sense of fem­i­nin­i­ty some­times.  And your sto­ries have brought me a lot of hap­pi­ness since I have start­ed to read them.  Thank you for writ­ing your books, and please con­tin­ue to write more! 


Just fin­ished read­ing Port of Depar­ture and Port of Arrival.  They are fan­tas­tic! Please, please, please fin­ish Wendy’s / Tay­lor’s story.


Won­der­ful books. I can­not get enough of them. Life­like, like­able char­ac­ters, and a sen­si­tive issue dealt with very well. Non-trans peo­ple should read these books to get some understanding.


I loved Port of Arrival. I final­ly found some­one who can write a trans­gen­der sto­ry that is not a SHORT  sto­ry. Could you write a sto­ry about a trans­gen­der girl who wait­ed till she was in her 50s? And was­n’t  petite? Some­one more real. I’d love to see your take on that since this was so spot on.

–Ter­ri Francis

I like your books.  Very good char­ac­ters and the issues are very instruc­tion­al.  Many of these books are aimed at teenagers, so this Karin Bish­op is prob­a­bly a must have for any school/college library.  But that aside, these are just good books with nice plots and peo­ple that you care about.


I am a long time fan who has read all of your books over the years I would like to tell you that I just fin­ished read­ing PORT OF ARRIVAL. I real­ly enjoyed the sto­ry. That being said I want to sug­gest that you con­tin­ue Wendy’s sto­ry as I find I have so many ques­tions about her future endeav­ors and would love for you to con­tin­ue her saga. IE: does she con­tin­ue on the ship, does she suc­ceed with movie score, does the “Bitch” Mrs James get her just rewards. do her and Ben con­tin­ue to fall in love and how do they man­age to resolve their three dif­fer­ent careers As you can see I think that you could if you desire con­tin­ue her sto­ry, I will con­tin­ue read­ing your books and look for­ward to your next release!


I love your books, Karin. I bought On the Road on a whim from kin­dle 12 months ago and have now read every book avail­able on Ama­zon kin­dle. Your sen­si­tive and intu­itive han­dling of a dif­fi­cult sub­ject cou­pled with your abil­i­ty to tell a great yarn make your books irre­sistible for me. I eager­ly await your next install­ment with Port of Arrival.


Thank you for so many enter­tain­ing books! I think I may have read near­ly all of them by now! Con­tin­ue to do good things, Karin! Bless you!


Port of Depar­ture was great read. As I neared the end of the book, I was wor­ried that it would end to soon. That we would­n’t know what hap­pened to Tay­lor, or maybe even Tay­lor find­ing Ben could just not let it end. Or Derek may be just as smit­ten with Tay­lor. There’s just so much to explore “after­wards” in romance, dat­ing, find­ing love, jug­gling a career, men, friends, & mar­riage, which even mar­riage holds its own set of issues with Tay­lor. There’s a whole series here & I for one hope you explore it . Can’t wait to read Port of Entry. When will it be out???


Sor­ry, had to come back and add in, ..regard­less of who ends up being Tay­lor’s love, there’s the ever after , “what about kids?”...As I said, there’s a whole series here to explore. Tay­lor, well Wendy, is young enough, with time enough , that explor­ing her life, her loves, her dis­ap­point­ments, her joys, and I would say , through the years , would be an amaz­ing series of books. The jour­ney does­n’t stop after surgery, it’s just begun!!!


I am as eager as any­one for more of your great char­ac­ters, worlds and jour­neys, but would be the last to urge you to rush. Like a Thanks­giv­ing din­ner guest, wait­ing with forced patience I know any wait will be worth it. Thanks for con­tin­u­ing to write.


Thank you for your books! Your char­ac­ters live with me, and I’m so grate­ful. Espe­cial­ly loved Recla­ma­tion and Fool Moon, but I’m work­ing on the rest!

–Sue McAvoy