Karin Bishop Books

Karin Bishop

Breath of Life




Ryan Bradley watch­es as a girl on his team col­laps­es and dies dur­ing a track meet. Lila seemed to look right at him and speak to him …but she was dead, wasn’t she?

And grad­u­al­ly Ryan begins chang­ing, able to see auras, move objects, know things he couldn’t pos­si­bly know. And his body seems to be changing …

Des­per­ate for answers, afraid his body is being tak­en over by a dead girl, Ryan seeks out Lila’s moth­er and learns of a secret world of pow­ers he nev­er dreamed were possible.

Here’s what readers have said about “Breath of Life”

A clas­sic and pow­er­ful bat­tle of good ver­sus evil, resolv­ing itself in a breath­tak­ing con­clu­sion … It brought tears to my eyes a cou­ple of times … Keeps you want­i­ng to turn page after pageThis is one of the best reads I have came across in a long time … A great read from begin­ning to end …