Karin Bishop Books

Karin Bishop

The “On the Road—Again” Series


This is the jour­nal of Stu­art Fairchild, about to leave on his first-ever road trip. What hap­pens on the road to this tal­ent­ed gui­tarist leads to oth­er roads, as a musi­cian, as an artist and and a mod­el … and as a female.

In Part One, Stu is play­ing with a band on the road for the first time. Every­thing’s going great until he’s mis­tak­en­ly iden­ti­fied as “Sue”, plant­i­ng the idea in the band manager’s mind. He announces that for the next road trip, “Suzie Fairchild” will pre­tend to be the girl gui­tarist! But first, Stu­art must learn to act like Suzie, and dis­cov­ers that being female isn’t an act—it’s truth. As she pre­pares for the next road trip, she also finds she’s head­ing off in a new direc­tion, work­ing with a world-famous photographer.

Part Two fol­lows the band on the first half of an extend­ed road trip through the Mid­west. While “Suzie Fairchild” was an act cre­at­ed by the band’s man­ag­er, Suzie now knows that it’s real and she is trans­gen­der. Now she must learn to deal with being “the chick in the band”—and what it means to be a female in every­day life. Amaz­ing­ly, she finds new friends and new oppor­tu­ni­ties and an ever-more uncer­tain future—but she knows that her future will be as a female!

In Part Three, Suzie and the band’s road trip con­cludes with a return through some of the towns and clubs they’ve already worked. It should be an easy, hap­py trip, but Suzie’s truth—that she is tru­ly female, now and forever—affects the band’s inter­nal dynam­ics. As her con­fi­dence as a female grows, she is sud­den­ly con­front­ed with the dan­ger and vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty that women face. And there’s anoth­er dan­ger that only Suzy faces: being out­ed in the media as a fake. Friends and lovers and sev­er­al pos­si­ble futures await her … but where does her heart lie?

Part Four con­tin­ues the next few years in the life of Suzie Fairchild, for­mer­ly Stu­art Fairchild—guitar god­dess, inter­na­tion­al mod­el, author … and daugh­ter. Now off the road, Suzie learns about her fam­i­ly, friends, and love. As a musi­cian, she tours inter­na­tion­al­ly and plays with some of the biggest musi­cians in the world, yet is it enough for her? With all that she’s done, with all that she can do, what does she tru­ly want to do?

Here’s what readers have said about the “On the Road—Again” series:

If you only read one sto­ry this decade, make it this one ... In real­i­ty the four “On the Road — Again” books are one sto­ry, and real­ly should be read in their entire­ty, for this rea­son ... Wow! What a won­der­ful series ... An excep­tion­al­ly tal­ent­ed writer who has craft­ed a ter­rif­ic and very immer­sive point-of-view sto­ry ... A very enjoy­able addic­tion ... I rate all four books five-star. That’s a TWENTY-STAR rating!!!!