Karin Bishop Books

Karin Bishop



Tere­sa Car­ra­her is a 22-year-old strug­gling pho­tog­ra­ph­er in idyl­lic Whistler, British Colum­bia. She’s work­ing as a gallery man­ag­er for her men­tor, an inter­na­tion­al­ly-known pho­tog­ra­ph­er, and get­ting her life in order after a tumul­tuous youth. Her fam­i­ly was absorbed by a reli­gious fanat­ic and Tere­sa bare­ly escaped the com­pound. Her great­est regret was leav­ing her nine-year-old broth­er Roger behind to the reli­gious madness.

Five years lat­er, Roger has turned up on her doorstep. He brings three prob­lems for his big sis­ter. First, she must deter­mine if Roger has been indoc­tri­nat­ed. The sec­ond prob­lem is com­plete­ly unex­pect­ed: Roger is trans­gen­der. But it’s the third prob­lem that is most dan­ger­ous: The fanat­ic may have sent min­ions to reclaim Roger—and per­haps Tere­sa, too.

Tere­sa gath­ers strength and assis­tance from a group of Whistler women, her men­tor, wealthy Euro­pean friends—and a very hand­some lawyer—to help Roger and to save them both from reli­gious zealots bent on RECLAMATION.

Here’s what readers have said about “Reclamation”

A dark, dark thriller. Riv­et­ing, dis­turb­ing, and haunt­ing … I was hooked from the start … Thought-pro­vok­ing and hard-hit­ting … I was sur­prised how nat­ur­al and believ­able it was … I sim­ply had to keep read­ing this until I got to the end … Anoth­er mas­ter­piece, Karin!