Karin Bishop Books

Karin Bishop

Role of a Lifetime




Young Bri­an Cun­ning­ham wants to become an actor. He’s tak­en some act­ing class­es and shown some tal­ent but he’s small for his age—a rea­son he’s dread­ing high school.

Then he lands a role in a TV pilot that his moth­er is cer­tain will be their tick­et out of their Phoenix trail­er park. It’s an excit­ing role, play­ing the youngest son in a fam­i­ly on the run—except that to throw off pur­suers, the youngest son is dis­guised as a girl.

The stu­dio pro­vides wardrobe and coach­ing, and Bri­an is very believ­able in the role of a mid­dle-school girl—so much so that in time he will be forced to answer: Is he trans­gen­der? How much is act­ing … and how much is real?

Here’s what readers have said about “Role of a Lifetime”

This book would make a won­der­ful movie … Many of its pages brought tears to my eyes … Gives us a good les­son about Hol­ly­wood … You get so caught up in the character’s lives that you sim­ply don’t want the sto­ry to end … She just keeps hit­ting the mark …