



David Watson’s four­teen years of life have passed in dai­ly ter­ror of his abu­sive father. But even after his father is dead, David still has trou­ble deal­ing with his anger. His moth­er tries vit­a­mins and a tran­quil­iz­er to ease his unhap­pi­ness, but the rage, fear, and guilt are still there.

It takes his best friend Tere­sa to point out that David is trans­gen­der, nat­u­ral­ly fem­i­nine, and that his body is chang­ing. Doc­tors deter­mine that David has a chro­mo­so­mal abnor­mal­i­ty, and David begins liv­ing as Elizabeth.

As her life moves for­ward, mak­ing new friends, she joins a dance class and dis­cov­ers that her painful past allows her to help anoth­er girl trapped in her own parental relationship.

Here’s what readers have said about “Vitamins”

Karin Bish­op is a won­der­ful writer who writes bril­liant­ly in themes of a moth­er’s love for her child … Won­der­ful char­ac­ters, with a lot of emo­tion as well as com­pas­sion … It was a beau­ti­ful sto­ry of enlight­en­ment once the pain and anguish was was gone … I did­n’t want to put the sto­ry down … 

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