Fool Moon




After Dan­ny Ander­son bare­ly grad­u­at­ed from high school, he found that he had no home, no col­lege, no job, no fam­i­ly. Dan­ny had bro­ken his high school girlfriend’s heart, and one night her moth­er appears at his door. She’d had a witch con­struct a love charm and now Dan­ny must pay the witch. With no prospects for his future and out of guilt for hurt­ing her daugh­ter, Dan­ny agrees.

But very quick­ly he dis­cov­ers two things: First, that he seems to have a degree of Pow­er; and Sec­ond, that Pow­er is trans­form­ing him into a female.

Nom­i­nat­ed for “Best Nov­el”— Gay­lac­tic Spec­trum Awards

Here’s what readers have said about “Fool Moon”

Her deep and skilled char­ac­ter devel­op­ment, her remark­able gift of craft­ing a com­pelling sto­ry, her empa­thy and obvi­ous affec­tion for her char­ac­ters, and her gen­er­al rumi­na­tions and obser­va­tions about life, the uni­verse, and every­thing have earned her efforts a ‘fast-pass’ to the top of my read­ing list … I lit­er­al­ly could not put this book down, it had me want­i­ng to turn every page to find out what hap­pened next … This was eas­i­ly with­in the ten best books I have ever read …


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