In Concert




Christo­pher Davis tries to be invis­i­ble in mid­dle school, but being small and smart, he’s still a tar­get for bul­lies. Chris just goes through life until Mandy, his one friend, points out that his life would be bet­ter as a girl. In fact, Mandy believes that Chris’s true self is female. Chris has nev­er thought he was trans­gen­der but med­ical tests prove that Chris is actu­al­ly inter­sex, a genet­ic variation.

With the sup­port of his moth­er and Mandy, Chris begins the tran­si­tion to liv­ing as Lau­ren. This includes going to school as a girl, deal­ing with class­mates and teach­ers, mak­ing new friends, and dis­cov­er­ing her truest self.

Here’s what readers have said about “In Concert”

Yet anoth­er excel­lent book by Miss Bish­op … Detailed and holds your inter­est. Well thought out and sen­si­tive to every issue … I find that as the father of twin daugh­ters that these books help me to “read” their emo­tions so that gives me an advan­tage espe­cial­ly now that they are teenagers  … A won­der­ful writ­ing style that brings friend­ship, love, romance, and joy in abun­dant amounts that often result in tears.


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