


David McNeil is mis­er­able. A high school fresh­man, he knows that he is trans­gen­der but is too fright­ened to do any­thing about it. His unhap­pi­ness and the total wrong­ness of his life churn inside of him until he can’t stand it … he steals a dress.

And gets caught.

Over the next year, he will slow­ly tran­si­tion and begin liv­ing as the girl he should have been since birth. He must learn what it means to be a girl in today’s world, but also he must learn about the girl­hood he’d missed. There is sup­port from fam­i­ly and friends, but there are prob­lems and dan­gers as well.

Fol­low one year in the life of a teen, from high school lock­ers to ele­gant Boston con­certs to the snow at Lake Tahoe—from Jan­u­ary as a boy, to Jan­u­ary as a girl.

Here’s what readers have said about “Januaries”

Karin Bish­op has done it again with anoth­er great book and sto­ry … Writes about a dif­fi­cult sub­ject with con­cern and joy in peo­ple … This is a YA that is also a good read for grownups … I am a senior trans­gen­der who could relate with every­thing Anne went through … Beau­ti­ful­ly accu­rate, heart touching … 


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